Did you know that all Rhode Races events are Green-Certified by the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management?
Rhode Races actively contributes to the well-being of the communities it traverses by actively minimizing its neighborhood impact. One of our key objectives is to ensure that the race course is left cleaner than we found it. Over the past decade, we have implemented a diverse range of “green” initiatives, with the ultimate goal of becoming a Zero Waste event. This year, we have further enhanced our program, thanks to our partnership with 11th Hour Racing. We are seeking the assistance of our participants and spectators to ensure its success.
1.) At each aid station during the race, reusable silicone cups will be provided for water and Nuun consumption. These cups are from Hiccup Earth, a reusable cup service that caters to the race industry across the United States. We will offer 8-ounce silicone cups as an alternative to single-use cups commonly utilized at aid stations during races.
Runners can expect the following: We will provide 20-gallon black garbage cans with the Hiccup Earth logo and signs indicating the proper disposal of cups. Participants can toss their used cups in or near the designated Hiccup can after use. Please refrain from retaining the cups, as we must return them for washing to ensure their availability for future races.

2.) Five-gallon buckets will be strategically placed at each mile marker on the course. Kindly dispose of your gel packets and any other waste in these designated buckets to maintain the cleanliness of the neighborhoods in which we are lucky enough to run.
3.) Our Green Team members will be stationed at the Finish Line festival area to assist you in disposing of your trash, compost and recyclables in the designated bins. By doing so, we can collectively contribute to reducing landfill waste.
4.) Thank you to our partnership with Epic Renewal, discarded clothing at the Start line will be collected for retrieval at our Green Station. Post-event, all clothing will be held for one week as Lost & Found with Epic Renewal. Items not claimed within this timeframe will be donated.

5.) At the Finish Line festival, we will be discontinuing the use of single-use plastic water bottles and replacing them with Boxed Water. Kindly dispose of the empty Boxed Water containers in the designated recycling bins located in the Post-Race Festival.
6.) The Post-race Plogging Team will be out on course in both Newport and Providence, helping us clean our courses better than we found them. Thank you to Eastern RI Conservation District (Newport) and Northern RI Conservation District (Providence) for helping us in this endeavor. They are actively looking for volunteers and you can sign up on our Volunteer page under either race.
Our participant and spectator assistance is crucial in achieving a Zero Waste event and we hope that you all will join us in these efforts.
We look forward to hosting you this Spring!
Contributed by Karen Zyons, COO