
Plantar Fasciitis: Managing Heel Pain in 7 Steps

Plantar Fasciitis - Dealing with Heel Pain from Running

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common injuries faced by runners. It’s frustrating, painful, and can interfere with your training and race goals if left unchecked. This condition involves inflammation or small tears in the plantar fascia, the ligament that connects your heel bone (calcaneus) to the front of your foot (metatarsals). But don’t […]

Faces of the Rhode Races

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This article celebrates the dedicated runners who make Rhode Races special, highlighting their personal stories, motivations, and the sense of camaraderie they find at our events. Through their experiences, we see how Rhode Races has become more than just a series of races—it’s a journey of community, personal growth, and lasting connections.

Overcoming Winter Blues and Staying Committed

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The start of a new year often brings a surge of motivation to adopt healthier habits, and for many, that means taking up running. As you lace up your shoes and hit the pavement, here are a few pointers to help you stick with your newfound passion, especially when the frosty weather tries to discourage […]

Summer Running Had Me A Blast (not)

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Tips for running in the summer from someone that hates it 😉 I know there are many that either love running in the heat and humidity, or can tolerate it pretty well, but I am not one of them. I LOATHE it – I melt like butter. I have said many times that I would […]

Running Watch Evolution

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Running and road racing has evolved so much since my start in 1987, in so different categories. I still have one of the Nike Pegasus shoes that were given to us as members of the URI Track and Field team and I think most modern runners would be shocked to see what a Division 1 […]

Sustainability and Environmental Initiatives

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A core part of our mission has been to be good environmental stewards. As we get to race in some of the most beautiful locations Rhode Island has to offer, we want to do our part in minimizing our footprint not just at these locations, but in our greater global use. To that end, we […]

November – A Time of Thanks

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November is a time for reflection and thanks for us.? Not only is it the end of our racing season, but we formed the company 5 years ago in November so it is our Anniversary as well!? (You can learn more about us at this link.) We are always so incredibly grateful at the end […]

Tufts Health Plan sponsors Rhode Races Half Marathons

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Rhode Races & Events is excited to announce Tufts Health Plan as the Official Presenting Sponsor of the 2018 Rhode Races Half Marathon Series and The Corporate Fit Challenge. Tufts Health Plan is a leading regional not-for-profit health insurer recognized for its commitment to providing innovative, high-quality healthcare coverage. We are honored to have Tufts […]

Ready to Launch

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As I have said before – “running” a road race requires the same amount of pre-race prep, as does running the race. We spend our off-season doing the unglamorous work of planning our race strategies, making tweaks to what went wrong last year, and learning to improve and grow for this year. Sound a lot […]

Spring in Newport

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April in New England conjures up many images – daffodils blooming, the grass turning greener, nature shaking off its winter coat and unfurling out its limbs. But for those of us who are runners – it means marathon season! Everyone gets into the marathon spirit in New England in April! Many are either ramping up […]