
Better On Course Hydration

In our efforts to provide a better overall experience for our participants, we have decided to switch our on-course energy hydration to Nuun.

Nuun is a better option than our current product for a number of reasons. From the nutritional aspect, Nuun is non-GMO, vegan, and gluten-free, and provides a better electrolyte replacement. They offer clean ingredients that will allow your bIMG_0666ody to stay healthy and hydrated. There are no sugars or carbs and it is light on flavor.

From an environmental standpoint – Nuun is committed to living clean by examining its practices and principles. Recycling is a key part of their business as is the drive to minimize their environmental impact.

Switching to Nuun, not only will allow us to further reduce our waste, but more importantly – we believe this product to be better for your performance and your body.

We have done a lot of research in determining what is best for our on-course hydration and we believe that Nuun is the best solution in the market.

As an athlete, I web-sized-promo-67made the switch to Nuun years ago as I found the alternative too sticky sweet, and full of chemicals. Nuun was easy on my belly and provided the electrolyte replacement that kept me hydrated. I believe in this product and this company and am happy to provide it in our courses.

We will continue to offer Gatorade on our courses for the next few races while we make this transition so you will have an option when you pass through our aid stations.

We hope that you enjoy Nuun as much as we do.

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