Fifteen Ways to Spice Up Your Running

Whether you are just starting out, or a seasoned marathoner, every once in a while your running can start to get more like a chore rather than a gift. You start to get in a rut – the same ole routes, the same playlist, the weather is bad, etc – and you start to dread […]
Our 2024 5K Runs in Rhode Island Preview

In 2024, Rhode Races is set to host a multitude of 5K events across the state of Rhode Island. Anywhere from down in South Kingstown all the way up to Smithfield, the scenic routes that showcase the State’s natural beauty will be on display for all participants. This small preview aims to offer a glimpse […]
November – A Time of Thanks

November is a time for reflection and thanks for us.? Not only is it the end of our racing season, but we formed the company 5 years ago in November so it is our Anniversary as well!? (You can learn more about us at this link.) We are always so incredibly grateful at the end […]
Learning from Back-of-the-Packers
DreamFar is a inner city group that trains for road races in hopes to keep kids off the streets and away from drugs. We just returned from upstate NY for a 5k, 10k and half marathon at a casino. ?This is always a tough race to execute due to the distance – we work crazy […]